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Luna Lain is pissed off, looking all one of many top ways during the home for her automobile keys so that she can be able to run hold out with some mates. She searches high and low but comes up empty-handed… Till her step-mother, Lauren Phillips, dangles the keys in entrance of her face.L Una is relieved but Lauren insists that she’s no longer giving the keys abet since Luna KNOWS she’s grounded!
As Luna tries to invent up an excuse about how she became harmless and doesn’t deserve the grounding, Lauren shoots her down.L Una is pissed off, ranting about how her DAD lets her attain despite she needs at his condominium!N Ow she has to reply to to Lauren AND Lauren’s recent lesbian lover?H Ow annoying!U Nfortunately for Luna, the tantrum doesn’t sway Lauren, but she has a notion… When Lauren is later resting, Luna sneaks into her bedroom to strive and maintain the keys abet.H Owever, her notion is foiled when Lauren groggily mistakes Luna for her lesbian lover and hauls her into bed!J Ust how a long way is Luna willing to head to discover her duvet from being blown?I S a night out with mates charge having her pussy eaten out by her step-mother?? Memoir inspired by an accepted submission by Girlsway member, MommyLover!