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Wrong Photos and Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong raise you the dramatic memoir of Marissa (Mia Malkova) the 19 year aged daughter of a puny city preacher. She’s continuously been “Daddy’s puny girl” and by no manner been in distress, that is, till she meets Billy (Xander Corvus) the town’s immoral boy from the wicked side of the tracks. Ahead of long, the two change into enthusiasts, but Marissa’s very finest world is modified into upside down as her mother (Alexis Faux) and father (Brad Armstrong) forbid her from seeing Billy, announcing he’s a heathen and he’ll raze her existence. However the extra they fight to force the two young enthusiasts apart, the stronger their bond grows. The downside at final involves a boiling level and the family affords her an ultimatum to by no manner observe Billy once more or they’ll flip their relief on her forever. Now it’s up to Marissa… Will she reach relief to her family and the church or will she possibility every little thing to be with the particular person she loves?